
Photo by Patrick Tomasso on Unsplash

The post was last updated on 2022-02-24.

Table 1: Redox-related terminology for wetland soils
AnaerobicConditions without oxygen.
CoatingAssociated with the surfaces or pores, aggregates or grains and typically consist of oxides (manganes, iron) or carbonates.
ConcretionOccurs in redoximorphic soils, is composed of Mn-Fe associations and has an internal concentric structure and is generally cemented.
IRISAcronym for Indicator of Reduction In Soils tools, a method to identify reducing conditions in soils.
NoduleOccurs in redoximorphic soils, is composed of Mn-Fe associations and has no internal organisation.
PoiseIs a measure of redox capacity (analog to buffer capacity and pH).
StagnosolsFeature a dynamic redox regime caused by stagnating water in the subsoil and are periodically wet.
Kristof Dorau
Kristof Dorau
Research assistant

My research interests include redox dynamics in soils, environmental monitoring and recently data analysis in R.
